
The calm after the storm

I am enjoying the peace and quiet afforded to me after the holiday. The kids were in school all the way until the 23rd so Christmas felt like this really giant race that I did not know if I would complete or not. But amazingly, Christmas happens whether you are ready or not and it all turns out okay.

All three children were spoiled immensely, and I hope they realize how lucky they are. They have been getting along moderately so I guess that means "Yes".

This pic I took in the backyard by the water heater was included in my Christmas cards this year.

I am blessed.


Mara Thomas said...

Gorgeous photo! Dang girl, you have talent! Hugs!

LadyLinoleum said...

Awww, they're adorable Steph!

Wishing you a wonderful '06!

Hey, we should go Downtown and shop for fabric and yarn sometime this winter. What'd ya think?

Lulu said...

beautiful kids

LG said...

What a wonderful picture!

LG said...

May health, happiness and good times greet you each day of the new year! Happy 2006 Steph!